A shabby kitchen project

I have in my head - I can picture it in my head should I say! a lovely cottage kitchen with cakes and pots and books and just generally everything that makes a kitchen a kitchen - if you get where I am coming from.

I have started putting some little pieces of furniture and kitchen cupboards together.  I would like to make a detailed canopy for over the stove - not sure whether to use an Aga type or just a gas hob mmm... will think about that as its coming together.

As you will see these pieces are work in progress.

I will do work to this in-between my web commitments as I really do need to get some of my new stuff uploaded to that.

I still hate taking photos!


  1. Seguro que tu nuevo proyecto "esa preciosa cocina que tienes en mente", te va a quedar fantastica, porque son unos bonitos muebles.
    besitos ascension

  2. it will be fantastic like every your other work!!!! I wait to see the progress!

  3. The colors that you have chosen for your kitchen are dreamy and I am looking forward to the next installment!



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