Apologies to all my followers
Well to be perfectly honest I have not given my blog an ounce of thought for absolutely ages - well years actually. It wasn't until someone emailed me and asked if I had a blog as they didn't use Facebook and wanted to follow me! Oops, no matter what I say it is no excuse to all those of you have followed me with no injection of news updates or anything! So sorry. Now, I can report that I have spent a considerable amount of time on a new website. My previous one was getting more and more difficult to manage as the software that I used was no longer being supported and it seemed every time I went to edit something, photos would be missing, fonts wouldn't be right etc etc. So I decided to go with a different website provider and boy oh boy how I wish I had ages ago. Once I had grasped the basics it is brilliant and so much more professional. Please, if you haven't already, check it out https://www.mollysueminiatures.com Now there is an optio...